Pseudoprognathism, or maxillary hypoplasia: definition, causes and treatments


Clase III

Pseudoprognathism, or maxillary hypoplasia: definition, causes and treatments

Maxillary hypoplasia, or pseudoprognathism, is a bone malformation in which the upper jaw is underdeveloped, giving the face a prognathic (protruding jaw) appearance that is apparent but in many cases not real, hence it is also known as “false prognathism". In most cases, this malformation is a developmental anomaly, although it can also be caused...

Surgery First, what are its advantages?

In the article On a definition of the appropriate timing for surgical intervention in orthognathic surgery, I present the different scenarios of the contemporary orthognathic surgery patient depending on the moment in which the surgical event takes place. Thus we have: Surgery First, Surgery Early, Surgery Last, Surgery Late, Surgery Only, Surgery Never. The advantages...

Conoce nuestro vocabulario

La Dra. Raquel Guijarro nos introduce en el mundo de la cirugía oral y maxilofacial. Es posible que en la consulta de tu dentista o cirujano maxilofacial hayas oído términos como “oclusión”, “maloclusión” o “clase dental”. En el post de hoy te ayudamos a comprender a qué se refiere el personal médico con este vocabulario....