Zygomatic implants: the ultimate solution to bone loss

Zygomatic implants: the ultimate solution to bone loss

The loss of teeth in the maxilla has as an irreversible consequence: the gradual loss of the bone that supports them, a process that can continue its course until eventually the bone disappears almost completely, making it almost impossible to place implants.

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At this point, there are two options to recover the smile and functionality of the patient:

  • The reconstruction of the bone by means of autografts mixed with artificial bone is a a valid option, although traumatic and more recommendable for younger patients, since it requires a greater capacity of regeneration for the complete recovery of the extracted bone.
  • Zygomatic implants, the most recommended option for older patients. These are a kind of special dental implants which are longer than regular implants, so they allow the bone of the cheekbone to be used for anchoring, which is convenient since this bone always maintains its hardness.

The placement of zygomatic implants entails an intervention of little complexity, where two or four zygomatic implants are placed depending on the case, which in turn serve as an anchor for the placement of a fixed prosthesis, all during the same intervention.

Thus, those patients who have lived for a long time without teeth, or wearing uncomfortable full dentures, can recover the full functionality and aesthetics of their mouth in a short-term intervention, and with permanent results.

Related: What is the difference between zygomatic and pterygoid implants?

Video: Advanced Implantology: zygomatic implants

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