Periodontics and diabetes


enfermedades periodontales

Periodontics and diabetes

The close connection existing between poor oral health and diabetes has been widely proven in scientific literature to this day. As explained by Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Magaz, Periodontist of the Maxillofacial Institute, periodontal diseases appear due to an accumulation of bacteria around the gums and the migration of these same bacteria into their own interior,...

Did you know that it is possible to regenerate bone around teeth and improve their prognosis?

Periodontal disease destroys the tissues that hold the teeth, the best known / popular is the alveolar bone and, therefore, that if treatments are not directed to stop it, the teeth lose their support and begin to move until they are lost spontaneously or they have to be extracted since this mobility causes discomfort and...

Entrevista con la Dra. Vanessa Ruiz Magaz: Periodoncia y Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

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