Changes in the nose after orthognathic surgery


armonía estética

Changes in the nose after orthognathic surgery

Orthognathic surgery aims to improve occlusal relationship and facial symmetry; However, with the performance of these surgical procedures, secondary changes may occur in the nasal projection and the angular relationship of the nose with the face. It is important to keep in mind that the negative changes that are anticipated during the planning stage can...

Cirugía Ortognática: la cirugía estética del esqueleto facial

La cirugía ortognática o cirugía de las deformidades faciales, es una rama de la cirugía maxilofacial y se aplica en casos severos de deformaciones faciales y maxilares. Su objetivo es lograr que el rostro logre la armonía estética y funcional. Las deformidades faciales se producen cuando uno o varios de los huesos que conforman la...