Orthognathic surgery and veneers: Can I have my surgery if I have dental veneers?


Carillas dentales

Orthognathic surgery and veneers: Can I have my surgery if I have dental veneers?

If you are considering orthognathic surgery, you may wonder if you can do it if you already have veneers. The short answer is yes, but it is important to keep some important considerations in mind. If you don't already have dental veneers, you may want to consider getting them after orthognathic surgery. Orthognathic surgery mobilizes...

Dental veneers: porcelain or composite?

Also known as dental facets, dental veneers are basically very thin cosmetic sheets that cover the visible part of the tooth. Its function is mainly aesthetic, allowing the correction of: Broken or fractured teeth Gaps between the teeth Small or large teeth Poorly positioned teeth Coloring problems (stains, yellow teeth, etc.) As for the materials,...

La magia de las carillas dentales

La Dra. Irene Méndez nos introduce en el fascinante universo del color, la forma y el tamaño de los dientes. Muchas son la celebridades nacionales e internacionales que han luchado por conseguir la tan aclamada “sonrisa de Hollywood” mediante carillas dentales. Las carillas dentales son finas capas de cerámica o composite que se colocan sobre...