Menopause and oral health


Dra. Vanessa Ruiz Magaz

Menopause and oral health

Menopause is a complicated period that can lead to oral discomfort, such as dryness and burning of the tongue, gums and lips. The lower supply or the absence of estrogen, natural in this phase of life, can cause atrophy in the mucosa of the oral cavity. The most frequent oral pathologies suffered by women at...

Periodontics and diabetes

The close connection existing between poor oral health and diabetes has been widely proven in scientific literature to this day. As explained by Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Magaz, Periodontist of the Maxillofacial Institute, periodontal diseases appear due to an accumulation of bacteria around the gums and the migration of these same bacteria into their own interior,...

The mouth as an indicator of serious diseases

Oral health is a reflection of the general condition of our body. If our mouth is healthy, it is very likely that we will enjoy good health, but the opposite is also true: if we have poor oral health, we may also have other problems. A very high percentage of systemic diseases (including diabetes, leukemia,...

Dieting and bad breath

Today, hyperproteic fast diets have become popular to eliminate weight quickly. Every year, and increasingly, people seek to lose weight as quickly as possible before summer, without taking into consideration the possible consequences of losing a few kilos without medical control. According to our Periodontist, Dr. Vanessa Ruiz Magaz, one of those unwanted consequences is...