Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, appearing normally in the period between 15 and 30 years.

Depending on their position, the wisdom teeth are classified as:

• Mesio-angled braces (have a forward inclination)

• Disto-angled (with backward tilt)

• Vertical

• Horizontal

They can also be classified by their degree of eruption in:

UN-ERUPTED is the wisdomn tooth that has not perforated the oral mucosa and is not observed clinically in the oral cavity, that is, when there are no wisdom teeth.

ERUPTED: (completely visible) the crown is completely outside the gum and the root is located in the bone.

The possible complications with the erupted wisdom teeth occur when there is not enough space and the teeth erupt in a very backwards position, causing us to bite the gum when chewing, or making it very difficult to perform the hygiene of these teeth.

SEMI-ERUPTED (partially visible) In these cases,  there is usually a gap between the crown and the gum, where leftovers of food can enter, causing infections.

These infections affect the gum surrounding the molar, causing inflammation and pain; and if not treated in time, the infection can spread to the bone, with much more serious consequences.

IMPACTED (the tooth remains completely inside the bone) The impaction of the tooth can be: ectopic (if the tooth is in an anomalous position but close to its place) or heteropic (if it is in an abnormal position and far from its site).

An impacted tooth refers to the fact that the tooth is partially or totally un-erupted and placed against an obstacle (another tooth, bone, soft tissue or tumor) making normal eruption impossible.


Impacted wisdom teeth are a very common affliction among the population, which often goes unnoticed because in many cases it does not cause pain nor any kind of problem, however,  impacted teeth can have very serious consequences, such as:

  • Dental malpositions: displacement of the teeth due to the pressure exerted by the wisdom teeth when trying to erupt. It is very important to remove the wisdom teeth before it occurs, to avoid having to resort to orthodontic treatment.
  • Rhizolysis: The wisdom teeth exert pressure on the neighboring teeth, affecting the root or the crown of such teeth and eventually causing their loss.
  • Cysts: It happens when included wisdom teeth are trapped in a follicular sac, which can fill with fluid, increasing pressure and causing cysts or even tumors (in extreme cases)

Regardless of the type of wisdom tooth, the recommendation of any maxillofacial surgeon is the removal, since an early removal of the wisdom teeth avoids serious complications such as the damaging of neighboring teeth or the facial nerves.


At the Maxillofacial Institute, our surgeons are specialists in complex cases of impaction of wisdom teeth, and for the convenience of our patients, in this type of treatment we work with the most consolidated insurance companies:  

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