The Maxillofacial Institute continues innovating. Last week, an implantologic procedure was successfully broadcasted live to dental students from the International University of Catalonia (UIC).
The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the UIC, in which Prof. Hernández-Alfaro is Chair and the rest of the surgical team part of the faculty, received a scholarship for innovating in education last year. Within the framework of this scholarship, our Maxillofacial Institute has incorporated a high-definition camera specially developed for oral and orthognathic procedures, and has set up a streaming platform to broadcast real-time surgeries to anywhere in the world.
The implementation of new technologies in teaching transforms the classroom into an operating theatre, thereby allowing students to become part of the surgical team and gamifying the process of learning. The streaming of last week was a success and was highly appreciated by the students. They could hear live explanations from the surgeon and ask questions about the surgery in real time.
Our Maxillofacial Institute is an internationally-renowned center for orthognathic and implant surgery, and we regularly welcome students and professionals from all over the world who are willing to broaden their knowledge. Live-broadcasting procedures will allow further broadening of the scope of our surgeries.