At the Maxillofacial Institute we always seek to offer the best in technology and advanced treatments for our patients. In line with our innovative spirit, we have integrated ModJaw technology into our center. ModJaw is an innovative digital system that allows us to analyze mandibular movement in 4D in real time. This approach not only...
SARPE (acronym for Surgically Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion) is a maxillary surgical expansion technique that combines orthodontic treatment with surgical treatment. This technique is classically carried out with a tooth-supported expander device called a Hyrax expander, that the orthodontist places before surgery. The SAMARPE (acronym for Surgically Assisted Mini-Screw Anchored Rapid Palatal Expansion) is a...
An autogenous transplant of teeth, or autotransplantation, is the transfer of a tooth from its alveolus (cavity that houses a tooth) to a post-extraction alveolus or alveolus prepared surgically in the same person. Dental autotransplantation can be classified into 3 groups: Conventional autotransplantation: surgical movement of a tooth from one site to another in the...
The use of digital technology in the field of dentistry is a reality that is already giving very positive results for the patient in terms of quality, comfort and speed. The intraoral cameras, the 3D radiological equipment, as well as the patient management and communication software, allow an almost complete digitalization of the treatment process of...