Class 2 malocclusion and its relationship with obstructive sleep apnea



Class 2 malocclusion and its relationship with obstructive sleep apnea

In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or OSAS, there is a decrease in the volume of the upper airway, so that when sleeping, due to the relaxation of the tissues that occurs during sleep,  the passage of air gets obstructed, especially if the patient sleep on their back. When this happens, the brain reacts...

The role of the maxillofacial surgeon in the treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea is very widespread problem among the population and it is also a condition that requires a multidisciplinary treatment. Why does the maxillofacial surgeon play such an important role in OSAS treatment? ¿What other specialists should intervene in the process? Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a multifactorial and chronical condition, i.e., its correct...

“ApneaTest”: Descubre en menos de 1 minuto si sufres Apnea del Sueño

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La Dra. Raquel Guijarro, ponente invitada en Chile

La Dra. Raquel Guijarro, ponente en Chile El pasado 10 de diciembre, la Dra. Raquel Guijarro dio una conferencia como ponente invitada por la Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía Maxilofacial en la Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile. La ponencia se centró en la Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño y en su tratamiento quirúrgico. En la actualidad,...