This has been a great year of congress activity for Professor Federico Hernandez Alfaro, who in addition to attending numerous international conferences on maxillofacial surgery, has also had the honor of being the only lecturer surgeon invited to various orthodontic conferences, in occasions as important as the First World Surgery First Summit (SFS2018), held in...
The specialists of the Maxillofacial Institute have researched and developed for many years different techniques of facial cosmetic surgery that allow us to achieve the symmetry and facial harmony that our patients want. Today, Jorge Masià, maxillofacial surgeon, talks about autologous fat grafts. What is the treatment with autologous fat grafting? Autologous fat grafting consists...
In many cases, wisdom teeth are invisible. This happens when they are impacted, that is, trapped under the gum or stuck against an obstacle, a situation that initially may not represent any discomfort, but that with the passing of the time can give way to many complications. For this reason, it is necessary that when...
Impacted wisdom teeth are a very common affliction among the population, which often goes unnoticed because in many cases it does not present pain or cause any problems in principle, however, it can have serious consequences. Impacted wisdom teeth is a situation that occurs when the tooth is partially or totally unerupted and at the...