This is probably the most common question among candidates for orthognathic surgery who contact us through different channels, but it is not a question that can be answered easily, and even less without having previously evaluated the patient. This is because the cost of orthognathic surgery is quite variable, and this is because it includes...
La cirugía mínimamente invasiva es el conjunto de técnicas y procedimientos relativos a la cirugía, anestesia y cuidados postoperatorios que permiten reducir el dolor, la inflamación, la pérdida de sangre y las complicaciones durante y después de la cirugía.
Long-Face Syndrome, or facial hyperdivergence, is a disproportion of facial features by which an elongated face impression is created, even if its dimensions are normal. The said impression may be caused by one of the following factors in isolation or in combination: Vertical maxillary excess (gingival smile) Vertical excess of jaw (large chin) Open bite...