Scars are formed during the physiological process of healing or repairing the skin after surgical wounds, accidents, burns, among others.
This process evolves differently for each person due to genetic factors, the location of the wound, the depth or its extension.
Healing time of a scar is usually one year. At first, the scars are more bulky, hardened and colored, but gradually their thickness decreases and the color becomes lighter.
To obtain optimal scar healing, our surgeons recommend both before and after surgery:
- Avoid tobacco: It is has been largely proven that tobacco decreases tissue oxygenation and, therefore, damages healing.
- Never tear the scabs: Avoid tearing the scabs from the wound, as the wound may become infected and leave marks on the skin.
- Keep the scar dry. Continuous contact with water, especially if hot, softens the scars and impairs their correct healing process.
- Hydrate. The scar and surrounding skin should be very well hydrated to improve skin elasticity with moisturizer, nutmeg, aloe vera or moisturizing dressings.
- Use sunscreen. During the first year, the scar should be protected from the sun, even if the day is cloudy or rainy (total screen sunscreen and hat or scarf).
- Massage. Massage on the scar flattens it and prevents excessive underlying fibrosis.
- Lymphatic drainage After certain surgeries such as liposuctions, lymphatic drainage massages are recommended to reduce scarring.
- Eat well. Eating a healthy and complete diet favors proper healing and prevents infections.
If you follow all these tips, it is very likely that your scar will end up being as imperceptible as it can be according to its inherent characteristics.