Prof. Hernández Alfaro and his research team publish in the Open Respiratory Research magazine


Dra. Adaia Valls

Prof. Hernández Alfaro and his research team publish in the Open Respiratory Research magazine

Prof. Federico Hernández-Alfaro, Dr. Adaia Valls, Dr. Jorge Masià, Dr. Maria Giralt and Dr. Raquel Guijarro have recently published an article in the first quarter magazine BMJ Open Respiratory Research. This paper shows the conclusions of a study on the effects of maxillomandibular surgical advancement on the dimensions of the pharyngeal airway and the apnea-hypopnea...

Aprende a detectar los signos del cáncer oral y de cabeza y cuello, desde casa

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Can a benign tumor lead to parotid cancer?

At Maxillofacial Institute, we receive numerous consultations from patients who underwent surgery for tumors of the parotid gland, asking if there is a risk that the tumor will reappear. Let's see: Most tumors of the salivary glands and specifically of the parotid gland are benign. The most frequent is the so-called mixed tumor or pleomorphic...

Why does my jaw make a clicking noise?

Each of us has two temporo-mandibular joints that lie just in front of the small prominence (tragus) of the ears, and which work in synchrony. The temporomandibular joint is the only mobile articulation of the head, and articulates the mandible with the temporal bone of the head (the lower medial lateral area of ​​the skull)....