In patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or OSAS, there is a decrease in the volume of the upper airway, so that when sleeping, due to the relaxation of the tissues that occurs during sleep, the passage of air gets obstructed, especially if the patient sleep on their back. When this happens, the brain reacts...
In the article On a definition of the appropriate timing for surgical intervention in orthognathic surgery, I present the different scenarios of the contemporary orthognathic surgery patient depending on the moment in which the surgical event takes place. Thus we have: Surgery First, Surgery Early, Surgery Last, Surgery Late, Surgery Only, Surgery Never. The advantages...
La Dra. Raquel Guijarro nos introduce en el mundo de la cirugía oral y maxilofacial. Es posible que en la consulta de tu dentista o cirujano maxilofacial hayas oído términos como “oclusión”, “maloclusión” o “clase dental”. En el post de hoy te ayudamos a comprender a qué se refiere el personal médico con este vocabulario....