Prognosis of Positive HPV Oropharyngeal Tumours

Prognosis of Positive HPV Oropharyngeal Tumours

Dr. Adaia Valls talks to us about the following news: Prognosis of Tumours Positive for Human Papilloma Virus in Head and Neck Cancers Vary According to the Site.

The Human Papilloma Virus generally affects the superficial tissue in the skin and the mucous membranes in the human body. There are currently around 200 types of HPV that, in most cases, produce a benign epithelial proliferation that appears as warts or condylomas.

Although a high number of studies have proved that positive HPV oropharyngeal tumours have a better prognosis than the negative ones, further investigation needs to be carried out in order to establish new, less aggressive and equally efficient guidelines to treat this type of tumours.


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