Differences between the Maxillofacial Surgeon and Dentist

Differences between the Maxillofacial Surgeon and Dentist

Unlike a dentist, who can be defined as a doctor of the oral cavity, graduates in the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery have surgical and dental history, and are especially qualified to perform cosmetic procedures that include not only the teeth, but the functional and aesthetic aspects of the entire mouth, face, jaws and neck.

The extensive education and training in surgical procedures involving skin, muscle, bone and cartilage make the oral and maxillofacial surgeon is specially qualified to handle both the most delicate tissues and bone tissue with great precision, achieving a balance between aesthetics and facial function

The scope of the specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is extensive, and includes from the diagnosis and treatment of facial injuries, cancers of the head and neck, diseases of the salivary glands, facial disproportion, facial pain, impacted teeth, to cysts and tumors of the jaws , and problems that affect the oral mucosa, such as ulcers in the mouth and infections.

In the field of aesthetics, maxillofacial surgeons can carry out all treatments involving the head and neck. Among them:

At the Maxillofacial Institute, thanks to the development of new techniques, medical technologies and biomaterials, our surgical procedures are minimally invasive and we can even perform many facial cosmetic procedures on an outpatient basis with local and / or intravenous anesthesia.

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