21-24 May, 2024

Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona

Professor Federico Hernandez-Alfaro and his team at Instituto Maxilofacial have developed and published an extensive array of concepts and techniques in Orthofacial Surgery. During this 4 day intensive course the participants will be exposed to clinical seminars, live surgeries and case discussions in Orthofacial Surgery led by members of our team of maxillofacial surgeons.

This immersion course will provide you with a complete and exhaustive vision of the planning and execution of orthofacial surgery procedures. At the end of the program, you will receive an attendance certificate.


  • Aesthetic analysis
  • 3D Planning
  • Barcelona Line
  • Vertical Problems
  • Occlusal plane
  • Surgery First
  • Minimally invasive surgical techniques
  • Ancillary procedures
  • Pre & post surgical management
  • Surgical orthodontics


This course will take place at the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona, a campus of more than 60,000 m2 and a world reference in the health sector.

On this map you will find accommodation, transportation and tourist attractions in the vicinity of Teknon Medical Center. Please click on the different icons to obtain more information.


Download the course programme, here.

For more information, you can contact mavila@institutomaxilofacial.com



Centro Médico Teknon
Carrer Vilana, 12 (Off. 185)
08022 - Barcelona, España
Tel: 933 933 185